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What is a “Compounding Pharmacy”?

A compounding pharmacy is a pharmacy that specializes in compounding medications..we make stuff up from scratch!

The Growing Problem of Drug-Resistant UTI’s

Are you going to the bathroom every 5 minutes, and it feels like peeing razor blades?

Is Your Pill Box Overflowing? We Can Help

More than 1 out of 4 Canadians (27%) over 65 take at least ten prescription medications.

What Are The Benefits of Compounding?

A one-size-fits-all approach to medications doesn’t always work, and this is where we can help!Sometimes you need a prescription tailored to your personal health needs. Perhaps you need a different form of the medication or have an allergy to an ingredient in the standard formulation. That’s where compounding comes in. A compounding pharmacy gives you options […]

12 myths about the birth control pill

There are a lot of out there for effective birth control and it can be confusing and create confusion when hearing anecdotal stories of others.

Antibiotics before birth and in early life can affect long-term health

By the time they turn one, half of Australian babies have had a course of antibiotics which may have damaging downstream effects on their healthWRITTEN BY PENELOPE BRYANT, CHERYL ANNE JONES, DAVID BURGNER AND NIGEL CURTIS ON JULY 4, 2018 FOR THE CONVERSATIONHalf of Australian infants have received at least one course of antibiotics by their […]

Can One Take Too Much of Stomach Medications?

PPIs are a group of medications commonly used to treat acid-related digestive disorders such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), peptic ulcer disease, and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Although they effectively reduce stomach acid production, they can also cause significant side effects when misused.One of the main concerns with the misuse of PPIs is the risk of overuse. […]